Like grandpa, like grandson
July 9, 2011 |
John Alt
fulfilled the dream of a lifetime
recently, fishing just for the halibut
in Alaska after taking his grandson,
Derrick, to his first duty station near
Fairbanks. |
settling in, Derrick took a trip down to
Valdez earlier this week, where he did
some salmon fishing. |
In March, Derrick Alonzo-Alt completed Air
Force basic training at Lackland Air Force Base,
Texas, and his grandparents, John and Linda Alt,
Paradise Valley, traveled to hot San Antonio to
watch him graduate with honors.
After completing tech school in Missiouri, Derrick came to Bonners Ferry for
three weeks leave, a brief stop on his way
to his first duty station at Eielson Air Force
Base, Alaska, located just outside Fairbanks.
Needing help to get there, his grandpa offered
to pitch in, and after a week-long drive John was on
hand as his grandson reported for duty.
On his way home, John flew to Juneau to visit
some friends, and spent a couple of days
sight-seeing, including the Mendenhall Glacier
and the cruise ships in the harbor, and he took
a ferry ride to Petersburg, where he met up with
Ardy McKay, formerly of Bonners Ferry, and her
He also fulfilled a life-long dream of fishing
in Alaskan waters, and he brought in a beautiful
28-pound halibut.
The night after his return to Bonners Ferry, he
and Linda had halibut for dinner, and both agree
it was delicious.
Like grandpa, Derrick couldn't wait to go
fishing, and this morning he traveled south to
Valdez to get a line wet, and locked onto a
beautiful salmon.
Linda says Derrick is thus far loving Alaska,
though the long, cold night of winter there
might prove a different story.
John can't wait to get back and fish some more,
preferably with his grandson, and next time, she
says, Linda gets to go, too.
After years behind the administration desk at
Bonners Ferry High School and many more behind
the counter at the county Motor Vehicle
Licensing department, Linda is joining John in
retirement in August. |
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