Local Marines to celebrate 242nd birthday |
November 6, 2017 |
They are the few, the proud. The U.S. Marines. A
group, perhaps more than any other, that
epitomizes loyalty, honor, service. A group
that, once you join and serve, you are
forevermore a part of.
Always faithful.
On Friday, November 10, the Corps celebrates its
242nd birthday, and all Boundary County Marines
are invited and encouraged to attend this year's
Marine Corps Ball, to be held at the Kootenai
River Inn.
And organizers this year are asking for a little
more from those who can; a donation so that
every local Marine who would like to attend can.
"Over 14 years ago, Boundary County Marines,
past, present and future, came together to start
the tradition of a local celebration of our
birthday," said retired Marine Corps Top Gun
Fighter pilot Tim Wilson, who flew in Desert
Shield and Desert Storm. "For many of the
Marines living deep in the woods of North Idaho
it was the only chance to remember the
camaraderie of times in the past. It also served
as a small measure of healing to those Marines
suffering from wounds of the past, both mental
and physical."
They were first called Continental Marines, a
fighting force established November 1, 1775, to
augment the Naval forces in the Revolutionary
War, started, legend has it, with a recruiting
drive at the legendary Tun Tavern in
The group served with valor and distinction in
helping found a new nation, but at the end of
the war, as would be common in the decades
ahead, both the Navy and the Marine Corps were
abolished for reasons of economy.
On July 11, 1798, Congress ordered the creation
of the United States Marine Corps.
The Boundary County Marine Corps birthday
celebration began in 2003 at the Good Grief
Tavern near the Canadian border at Eastport to a
small number. Over the years the event has grown
to a group averaging around 100 guests and it
was eventually moved to the American Legion Hall
in Bonners Ferry.
"Since the Legion Hall was sold this past year
we have moved our event to the Kootenai River
Inn," Wilson said. "Many of those who have
attended in the past are of modest means. We
have always strived to ensure that any Marine
who wanted to attend could, and we would find
ways to help with the cost."
Since the U.S. Marine Corps was born 242 years
ago, United States Marines have fought in every
conflict that's drawn U.S. arms.
Even before Boundary County was established in
1915, Boundary County citizens have stepped up
and answered the nation's call, and a good share
of them have become U.S. Marines, and Boundary
County, Idaho, Marines have fought in every
conflict the United States has been involved in
since World War I.
Conversely, many Marines who served found in
Boundary County a place to call home after their
service, a place of beauty, of peace. Of
Th November 10 celebration is not just for
Marines. It is for members and veterans of all
armed services and family members of those who
are serving currently.
Cost of attendance for the celebration this year
is $25 per person.
"I am asking for people who can to donate at
least the cost of one meal for attendance at the
celebration by a Marine or guest," Wilson said.
"Your donation will be a reminder of the great
support for the military that this outstanding
community provides to those who have stood up
for their country."
To help support the tradition,
click here.
Social hour starts at 5 p.m. and the program and
dinner will begin at 6 p.m. This year's guest
speaker is Idaho First District Representative
Heather Scott, who also spoke to our county's
veterans on Memorial Day.
To RSVP, call (208) 267-1777. Semper Fidelis. |
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