Fire weather watch issued for Sunday |
September 1, 2017 |
The National Weather Service has issued a fire
weather watch in effect on Sunday afternoon and
evening for high Haines Index for North Idaho,
the east slopes of the Cascades and the Okanogan
Haines Index, also known as Lower Atmosphere
Severity Index, is a weather index developed by
meteorologist Donald Haines in 1988 that
measures the potential for dry, unstable air to
contribute to the development of large or
erratic wildland fires.
The index is derived from the stability
(temperature difference between different levels
of the atmosphere) and moisture content (dew
point depression) of the lower atmosphere.
A Haines Index of 6 means a high potential for
an existing fire to become large or exhibit
erratic fire behavior, 5 means medium potential,
4 means low potential, and anything less than 4
means very low potential.
From noon to 8 p.m. Sunday, a Haines
Index of 5 or 6 is predicted, with wet to
southwesat winds of five to 10 miles per hour,
relative humidities of 10 to 20 percent and
temperatures in the 80s in the mountains and low
to mid-90s in the valleys. |
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