Newsbf in transition ... a goodbye

April 27, 2014
By Mike Weland

After more than 20 years reporting news in Boundary County and just over three years after launching this website, I must say "farewell" to the wonderful people of this community and turn over the reins on what has been a labor of love.

On Tuesday, I'll be putting News Bonners Ferry into the capable hands of its new owners, to whom I'll leave the privilege of their own introductions. Suffice here for me to say they are local people who are dedicated to Boundary County and its people, and I am confident they will not only carry this site on, but make it even better.

I wish them the very best, and hope they get as much joy from this site as I have.

On Saturday, I'll be flying out of Spokane for Anchorage, Alaska, then on to Talkeetna, where our daughter, Ra'Shell, and her family, including our one-year-old granddaughter, live. Ra'Shell and our grandson are flying down, and on Monday, May 5, they and my wife plan to begin the drive to the last frontier.

My wife, Debbie, and I want to watch her, and her family, grow, to be part of their lives. It's not easy, When we came to Boundary County in 1991, we were welcomed, and found a place and people who, for the first time in our lives, felt like home.

Leaving is not easy, but we are convinced that it's the right thing to do. Fortunately, thanks to this marvel that is the Internet, we dearly hope to stay in touch with the many friends we are leaving behind.

On Tuesday, I will no longer be receiving the many emails sent to the News Bonners Ferry address, Please continue using that address to send news of the community to the new owners; if you have messages meant for me personally, please use my new one,

Yes, even though I'm off to a new place I know little about, I'm not going with nothing to do ... I plan on continuing my love of journalism via a new news website,, which is already up and running.

In the week ahead, it's my hope to stop and say goodbye to many of the people who've come to mean so much to me in my years here, but I know I'll never be able to bid farewell to all I'd like.

If Debbie and I miss seeing you before we go, please don't take offense; we'll still be able to stay in touch via Facebook. I will miss this place, and all of you, and I'd like to thank you for sharing this wonderful Kootenai Valley with us for all these years.