Kelsey gets special visitor Wednesday
February 27, 2014 |
Adapted rom the
Pray for Kelsey Facebook
The family of Kelsey Shutes, 18, who is
recovering from serious brain trauma at Kootenai Medical Center after a
two vehicle collision February 9, sends
out thanks to everybody for praying for Kelsey's
left arm, because she was able to move it
Wednesday, which was special in another way as
The motion in it is very limited, but she can
pull it up and put it back down on her lap. She
also found her voice, and instead of whispering,
she now talks quietly!
She even came down with a small case of the flu
Wednesday morning, but didn't let that get in
the way of her therapy.
Most of the family was away from the hospital
most of the day pulling off a special surprise
two days in the making, and mom Kari said Kelsey
wasn't very talkative much of the day and
constantly asked where they were at.
When she saw them finally arrive with her loyal
dog, Kamoni, in tow, she got tears in her eyes
and was so happy.
She begged them not to take her back home, but
hospital rules being what they are, they had no
other choice.
When they returned to Bonners, some stopped to
clean out the car she'd been driving home that
fatefull night after a day spent in Moscow
helping the Badger cheerleading squad win the
district championships and a berth to state.
"I was at the scene of the accident, but didn't
see the driver's side of the car," one family
member said. "We are so lucky she is alive and
with us today. The seatbelt saved her life."
Most of the family traveled back to Coeur
d'Alene Wednesday night so they'll be at the KMC
rehab center bright and early this morning to
have breakfast with Kelsey.
"We are so proud of her and all of her hard
work," her family said "We want to remind
everybody that students at Bonners Ferry High
School have done incredible things. Each and
every one of them are truly amazing people. We
also want to thank Mario's Restaurant for the
donation and prayers, and Mr. Tim Gering, the
principal of BFHS, for being so patient and
understanding with Kelsey's recovery and
allowing so much to happen within the school. We
want to thank everybody else for their thoughts
and prayers. That is what is getting Kelsey
through her recovery! We love you all!" |
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