Captain Lyon laid to rest
January 8, 2014 |
Captain David I. Lyon, 21st Logistics Readiness
Squadron, returned home to Peterson Air Force
Base, Colorado, for the final time January 6.
Lyon was part of the 21st Logistics Readiness
Squadron and was killed in action December 27
when the enemy attacked his convoy in
Afghanistan. Lyon was working with Combined
Joint Special Operations Task Force-Afghanistan,
performing a combat advisory mission with Afghan
National Army Commandos.
"Our thoughts and prayers are with the family
and friends of Capt. Lyon during this difficult
time," said Colonel John Shaw, 21st Space Wing
commander. "The Air Force and our nation lost
one of our very best. We will never forget him
or his sacrifice."
During his time in the 21st LRS, Lyon served as
the director of operations as well as the 21st
mission support group executive officer.
"Capt. Lyon was a model officer and exemplary
young leader," said Colonel Chuck Arnold, 21st
MSG commander. "Dave was special -- he was an
intelligent, charismatic, natural leader who was
widely respected by senior leaders, his peers
and the airmen he led."
Members of Team Pete lined the streets to honor
Lyon as he departed Peterson Air Force Base for
the final time.
Lyon's funeral was held today at the New Life
Church in Colorado Springs. Lyon, a 2008
graduate from the U.S. Air Force Academy, was
interred at the USAFA cemetery.
The Sandpoint community will be gathering along
the Pedestrian Long Bridge, First Avenue and
Cedar Street ,between 4 and 4:30 p.m., Saturday,
January 11,
to honor Captain Lyon.
Lyon's family will be returning to Sandpoint
from Colorado.
Everyone is welcome to attend, and residents are
encouraged to wear red, white and blue.
The Lyon family will be riding in a Suburban
loaned by Taylor Parker Chevrolet for the
occasion, which will be driven by David DeMers
of Sandpoint Middle School.
Event organizers wish to thank the numerous
municipalities and government entities who are
responding to the gathering with generosity and
Law enforcement personnel and a local veterans
group will be accompanying the family as they
make their way through town. |
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