Cat needs to go home before kids name it
December 3, 2013 |
A young, very loving cat, about six months old,
turned up recently at a home on Cody Street, and
people who are providing shelter would like to
find the rightful owners before the kids give
the cat a new name.
"We would love to keep it but if it is someone's
and they are missing it we want to give it
back," Nathan, the gentleman who was adopted,
said. It is black and brown with gender unknown.
It is litter box trained so we are assuming it
is someone's."
According to Nathan the cat, presumably a female
as it has calico coloring, ran under the
family's porch two days ago, then just ran
inside the house, where she found a warm
welcome, today.
"We set up a litter box and it used it like it
was already trained," Nathan said. "We would
like to return it to its rightful owner before
the kids name it."
If you are missing this pretty cat or know who
might be, call Nathan at (208) 267-0849. |
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