Memorial Day theme; 'Because They Gave'
May 20, 2013 |
By Mike Ashby
American Legion Post 55
Monday, May 27, American Legion Boundary Post 55
will host the annual Boundary County Memorial
Day Parade. This year's parade theme is "Because
They Gave."
The event begins at precisely 10 a.m. All parade
entrants are asked to be at the County
Fairgrounds parking lot between 9 and 9:30 a.m.
It is very important to arrive early to navigate
the "organized mayhem" of the staging area.
The procession will travel from the Fairgrounds
to Bonner Street and then south on Main Street
to Arizona Street.
At that point, motorized units may exit the
parade and make their way to Highway 95.
Walking units may return to the fairgrounds via
Arizona Street to Railroad Street, then onto
Third Street.
The American Legion would like to remind all
veterans that this parade is in your honor and
you are strongly encouraged to participate.
There will be a ride for those veterans unable
to make the long walk.
Please come and share your love of America with
your community.
The American Legion will again sponsor a
Memorial Day Service at Grandview Cemetery.
This event traditionally begins as soon as all
participants can make their way up to Grandview
following the parade. This year's guest speaker
is U.S. Navy (Retired) Captain Len LeSchack.
The program includes presentations by
Distinguished Young Woman Anika Blackmore, the
Boy Scouts and local musicians.
U.S. Marine Lt. Colonel (Retired) Tim Wilson
will preside as Master of Ceremonies.
At 5 p.m. Friday, May 24, the American Legion
will be decorating all veterans' graves at
Grandview Cemetery with small flags. Any citizen
who would like to take part in that honor is
cordially invited to attend. Veterans are
especially encouraged to help with that flag
Traditionally, many young people assist us and
this provides a terrific venue in which to
enlighten our youth about the important roles
veterans have played in Boundary County.
As a note of interest to the community, twelve
flags are placed around the base of the large
flag pole in Veterans Memorial Park on Memorial
Day morning. Those flags, along with the large
flag, represent the original 13 colonies in
There is also a special POW/MIA flag flying
there, "just so we do not forget."
Each of the flags placed around the base of the
tall flag pole in Veterans Memorial Park, as
well as the large flags that grace Grandview
Cemetery on Veterans Day, once draped the casket
of a Boundary County veteran and has been
donated by their family to the American Legion.
One flag is from a World War I veteran and bears
48 stars.
Anyone with questions regarding the parade,
please feel free to call either Commander Terry
Spence at (208) 304-2910 or Chaplain Mike Ashby
at (208) 267-5135.
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