Bonners Ferry officer assumes brigade
August 3, 2012 |
Photos by
Sergeant Richard Wrigley |
By Staff Seergeant Joe Armas
Colonel John
Novalis, the outgoing commander of the
1st Air Cavalry Brigade, 1st Cavalry
Division, gives a speech as his
successor, Colonel Cory Mendenhall,
looks on during a change of command
ceremony August 2. |
FORT HOOD, Texas -- The 1st Air Cavalry Brigade,
1st Cavalry Division, changed command during a
ceremony August 2 at Cooper Field.
Colonel John Novalis, from Williamsport,
Pennsylvania, relinquished command to Colonel
Cory Mendenhall, from Bonners Ferry.
Novalis commanded the brigade during its recent
deployment to Afghanistan in support of
Operation Enduring Freedom. As he addressed
those in attendance, he took the opportunity to
reflect on his time as commander of the 1st ACB.
“Commanding this brigade has been the highlight
of my professional career,” said Novalis.
Throughout his speech, he gave credit to his
strength in God, his family and the soldiers of
the 1st ACB for the success the brigade achieved
during its deployment to OEF. He thanked the
brigade’s soldiers for the sacrifices they made
this past year, as the brigade provided
coalition ground forces with aviation assets
across four regional commands in Afghanistan.
“There’s no higher honor to command Soldiers,
especially when we are a nation at war” said
Novalis. “You make me proud to wear this uniform
and the ‘First Team’ patch.”
Colonel John
Novalis, Major General Anthony Ierardi
and Colonel Cory Mendenhall applaud the
troops of the First Cavalry Air Brigade. |
During the ceremony, Command Sergeant Major Glen
Vela, Dallas, Texas, transferred responsibility
for the brigade to Command Sergeant Major Chris
Amagliani, Hartford, Connecticut.
Novalis thanked Vela for his friendship and the
counsel he provided as the brigade’s senior
enlisted advisor. He also gave his best wishes
to the incoming command team.
“I know you both will take this formation on to
greater accomplishments. You’ll carry on the
legacy of discipline, caring, trust and mission
execution that makes our Army strong,” said
Major General Anthony Ierardi, commanding
general of the 1st Cavalry Division, presided
over the ceremony as the reviewing officer. He
gave his thoughts on the accomplishments of the
brigade’s outgoing command team.
“(Novalis and Vela) inspired and led the
brigade’s troops in the toughest conditions,”
said Ierardi. “They gave selflessly to this
unit, placing mission and their Soldiers above
everything else.”
Ierardi also acknowledged Mary Novalis and Kathy
Vela for the contributions they made to the
brigade, the division and the local Ft. Hood
“Over the course of their husbands’ careers,
they have given their hearts and souls to the
soldiers and families of the Army, balancing
this with the demands of their own families,”
said Ierardi. The warrior brigade is better off
as a result of the sacrifices these two women
have made during the past two years, he added.
As for the incoming command team, Mendenhall
previously served as the deputy chief of staff
for Central Command in Qatar. Amagliani is no
stranger to the 1st ACB, having served as the
command sergeant major for the 615th Aviation
Support Battalion during the brigade’s last
deployment to Iraq in 2009 and 2010.
Mendenhall began his speech by speaking directly
to the outgoing commander and his spouse, Mary.
“Your efforts over the last two years …
building, deploying and re-deploying this
brigade have left a legacy that will resonate
with future leaders of our Army for years to
come,” said Mendenhall. “You have made a
positive difference in so many lives. Brooke and
I wish you both the best.”
As he concluded his remarks, Mendenhall
addressed the 1st ACB troopers who now fall
under his command.
“To the warrior Soldiers on the parade field who
are willing to answer the nation’s call and pay
the price for freedom," he said, "I’m extremely
proud to serve with you as Warrior Six.” |