Power poles get protection
June 29, 2012 |
warning, my friends," said this long
time Bonners Ferry resident whose name
is being withheld to protect her
innocence. |
It is, apparently, a municipal law that's been
on the Bonners Ferry books forever, but one few
long-time residents knew existed and one that
has never before been enforced. Not anymore.
Better think twice before you tack notice to a
Bonners Ferry power pole.
One of those long-time local residents, who
shall remain nameless to protect the innocent,
found that Thursday while posting signs for an
upcoming benefit.
"I found out the hard way ... after driving
around hanging our signs for Blaine's fundraiser
sale* for an hour or so," the unnamed lady who
oozes innocence said. "An officer was going
along after me and taking them all down!"
According to the innocent lady, you can have
sandwich boards or signs you can drive into the
ground, but you can no longer put your signs on
any power poles within city limits.
"I have no problem with obeying the law," Mrs.
Innocence said, "I just need to know what the
law is!"
* For Blaine Invernon at the fairgrounds dining
hall, which started today and continues at 8
a.m. Saturday, June 30, and lasts until everyone agrees to
go home. They have an awesome array of goods for
sale, several raffles and silent auctions ...
including one for an amazing hooded gold bed
with built-in bar and eight track stereo, an
historical piece from the 1970s ... with all
proceeds to help the Badger standout pursue his
dream. To read more,
click here. |