Long time local resident dies in collision
with train
May 16, 2011 |
Bonners Ferry
resident Dick Kelson died on a private
railroad crossing leading from his tree
farm onto Deep Creek Loop just north of
Mirror Lake Golf Course this morning. |
Long-time Bonners Ferry resident Richard E.
"Dick" Kelson, 77, was pronounced dead at the
scene Monday morning after his 2002 Volkswagen
Jetta was hit by an east bound Burlington
Northern Sante Fe train at a private railroad
crossing near Mirror Lake Golf Course.
According to the Idaho State Police, Kelson was
pulling out of his tree farm onto Deep Creek
Loop when the collision occurred at about 8:54
a.m. The Jetta was hit broadside on the
passenger side of the vehicle, knocking it
approximately 100-feet from the point of impact.
The train, powered by three locomotives and
bound for Montana, was traveling at or near its
40-miles-per-hour speed limit through that area.
In the wake of posting news of the accident on
the News Bonners Ferry Facebook site, the
outpouring of grief was immediate.
to the family," wrote Glory Rossbacher. "Please
help all of us know what the family will need so
our community can come along side and support
is beyond sad," wrote Bill Suldovsky. "Dick was
a great person, and I have the privilege of
knowing his girls, who are all wonderful people.
He will be missed."
Investigation into the cause of the collision is
continuing. News Bonners Ferry expresses
condolences to Mr. Kelson's family and friends,
and mourns the passing of a well-respected
citizen of this community. |
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