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Win tickets to Seussical Jr!

June 5, 2011
Sorry ... All the tickets have been won!
Liliana Brinkman, age 7, won a children's ticket to the 3 p.m. Sunday, June 12, show!
Lael Alexander won a ticket to the 7 p.m. Saturday, June 11, show!
Kris Schneurle won a ticket to the 7 p.m. Monday, June 13, show!
Paisley Schulte won a ticket to the 7 p.m. Monday, June 13, show!

Thanks to everyone who took part!

The Bonners Ferry Youth Choir "Swingin' on a Star" and News Bonners Ferry are pleased to give away two adult and two children's tickets (18 years old and younger) to upcoming performances of "Seussical Jr." at the Pearl Theater June 11 through 14.

Test your Dr. Seuss knowledge by printing or copying and pasting this page and sending us your answers in an email! The first two submitting the correct answers eligible for adult tickets and the first two eligible for children's tickets (18 years of age and younger) will win! Winners will be notified by email, and your ticket will be waiting at the door for the performance you choose! Contest deadline is 5 p.m. Thursday, June 9.

Name: _____________________________________________

Age: ______

Email: ______________________________________________

___ a. Saturday, June 11, 7 p.m.
___ b. Sunday, June 12, 3 p.m.
___ c. Monday, June 13, 7 p.m.
___ d. Tuesday, June 14, 7 p.m.

1. Horton heard a:
___ a. What
___ b. Who
___ c. Where
___ d. When
___ e. Why

2. What did the Grinch steal?
___ a. All the money from a Brink's armored car.
___ b. A basket of eggs from the Easter Bunny.
___ c. All but the spirit of Christmas from the town of Whoville.
___ d. Roast beast.
___ e. Three little pigs.

3. The Cat in the Hat ...
___ a. Looks cool.
___ b. Likes milk and tuna.
___ c. Wears long johns when it's cold out.
___ d. Comes back.
___ e. Looks fat in stripes.

4. Who thawed the Grinch's heart?
___ a. Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer.
___ b. Cindy Lou Who.
___ c. Mary Lou Retton.
___ d. Hillary Clinton.
___ e. Helen Keller.

5. For breakfast, someone didn't like green eggs and ham. Who tried to say otherwise?
___ a. Sam I Am.
___ b. Yosemite Sam.
___ c. Sam Houston.
___ d. Uncle Sam.
___ e. Sam the Sham.
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