When you need to reach Fish & Game |
October 19, 2017 |
With many of Idaho’s hunting seasons in
progress, the Idaho Fish and Game reminds people
who spend time outdoors that there are several
ways to contact a Fish and Game officer on
weekends or outside regular business hours.
For wildlife-related emergencies or to report a
violation, contact the local sheriff's office,
the Idaho State Police, or your local police
department. Their dispatchers will route
pertinent information quickly and efficiently to
officers in the field by radio.
Another option is a call to the Citizens Against
Poaching (CAP) hotline at 1-800-632-5999, which
is staffed around the clock during the hunting
season. CAP dispatchers will quickly contact the
appropriate officer, officer's supervisor, or
adjacent officer until they reach someone.
“The more detailed information you provide and
the quicker you report it, the more likely a
violator may get caught,” said Fish and Game
Enforcement Chief Greg Wooten.
The process is quick and simple, and callers can
remain anonymous. Callers are encouraged to
leave a call back number so officers can obtain
additional information if needed. Rewards are
paid if the information supplied is sufficient
for a citation to be issued.
“License plate numbers are extremely useful as
well as specific information such as exact
location and time,” said Wooten.
The CAP number is printed on the back of all
licenses and tags, as well as in all the season
and rule brochures. Some enter the CAP hotline
into their cell phone so they don't have to look
for the phone number.
A dispatcher, either through the local sheriff’s
department, the state police, or the CAP hotline
has the ability to reach multiple officers at
once on the radio. These dispatchers are true
professionals at routing calls quickly and
efficiently to the appropriate officers in the
field. |
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