BCMS harriers in top form for districts |
October 14, 2017 |
Photo courtesy
Kelly Hinthorne |
The top
five Badger finishers Thursday at
Kellogg were (front row, l-r) Eli
Newell, second, and Connor Alexander,
first. Back row; Brycen Cowin, fourth,
Brady Hinthorn, third, and Ridge
Williams, ninth. These top four were
also the top four at the meet last week
in Priest River! |
The Boundary County Middle School cross country
teams had a great day Thursday when the traveled
to Kellogg and the boys came home with a first
place finish and the girls with a second!
And to make it even better, their Kellogg hosts
reciprocated what started early this season in
Bonners Ferry and may become a tradition in
North Idaho, if not beyond -- they provided the
visiting teams with cookies as they boarded the
buses to go home!
The BCMS boys continued their cross country
domination, with four Badgers leading the charge
across the finish line to finish team scoring
with 19 points, miles ahead of Timberlake and
Priest River, who tied for second with 71 points
each. North Idaho Christian came in with 93
points and the gracious hosts, Kellogg, came in
with 124 points.
"It's fun in cross country because even though
you are competing, everyone is still supportive
of everyone," said BCMS coach Kelly Hinthorn.
"We started the season by providing fruit, water
and cheese sticks to everyone at the end of our
home meet, and it's blossomed from there. One of
our eighth graders brings a box of apples to
every meet and hands them out to runners,
coaches and spectators. Kellogg, Priest River,
Timberlake and Bonners seem to have great
relationships in the middle school cross country
Leading the way for the Badger boys Thursday was
Connor Alexander, who posted an excellent 8:49.
Following him in were Badgers Eli Newell, 9:01,
Brady Hinthorn, 9:03, and Brycen Cowin, 9:09.
Also finishing in the top 10 for the Badgers was
Ridge Williams, who came in at ninth in 9:27.
Chad Smith, Priest River, finished in fifth
place at 9:12.
On the girl's side, Timberlake ladies put the
first two runners across the line for a 25-point
team win, followed by Badgers Camille Ussher,
9:52, and Sophia Roemer, 9:58, to lead the way
for the Badgers 40-point second place finish.
Kellogg scored thrd with 75 points and North
Idaho Christian finished with 96 points.
Tiger Sage Gervais was the first place finisher
at 9:46 and teammate Hailey Johnson was right on
her heels at 9:48.
Finishing in fifth place was Sydnee Hotmer,
Timberlake, at 10:04.
BCMS harriers head south to Coeur d'Alene for
the district meet on Tuesday. |
Photo courtesy
Paul Bonnell |
Lady Badgers (right) line up on a cool,
gray day to start a cross country run
that would earn them a second place team
finish Thursday at Kellogg. |
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